Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision.
The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives.
It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.
Andrew Carnegie
Team Coaching can help your business to...- Focus on critical business objectives
- Accelerate productivity and performance
- Navigate Change as easily as possible
- Explore and leverage the unique capabilities of the team
- Improve contributions from all by establishing a powerful culture of trust, commitment and accountability
- Expand their leadership capacity and impact
- Increase positivity
- Create a common vision and values framework
The impact of these changes leads to enhanced business and team productivity, positivity and performance.
We work with teams that are just forming, as well as teams that have been functioning for years.
What this process does is transform a group of individuals into a truly interdependent, cohesive and strong unit that is high-performing. That means that when faced with a challenge, the team members know how to pull together with precision and speed to achieve success.
Examples of INTERVISO team coaching programme and theirs objectives:
New team of project managers - Become quickly an efficient team
Team of managers with a 5-year experience - Regain the team-activity motivation while solving the existing conflicts
Sales team - Improve the overall results and to implement "best practice" patterns
Group of Key Accounts - Reduce client’s complaint and implement quality management
Group of NGO employees - Get their individual targets in line with the organizational ones and to implement efficient working patterns
We bring
a whole new dimension to working in groups with our leadership team coaching approach.
integrate our coaching right into the real work of the team, in real time, so you get great business results along with real growth in the teaming skills of the members.
Team and coach jointly develop a clear agreement on the desired outcomes for the engagement.
Coach assists the team through a custom assessment package to determine the team's strength and assessment needs.
Experienced organizational coaches use motivational, consultative and educational process interventions designed to enhance team effectiveness.
Typically structured to last 6 to 12 months according to the team's needs.
“If you believe you can or you can’t you are probably right”
Henry Ford